
  1. Installing HKSAT
  2. Launching HKSAT
  3. Configuring HKSAT
  4. Managing Compilers

Installing HKSAT

HKSAT requires the followings to work.

To install HKSAT

  1. Run an installation file with a name of setup.hksat.x.x.x.x.exe.
  2. If an older version is installed, remove it before the installation of a new one.
  3. Uninstalling Previous Version Window
  4. On Installation Instructions, select Next button:
    Installation Instruction Window (KR)
  5. On License Agreement, read the license agreement. If you agree, press I Agree button to continue; otherwise, click Cancel button to abort.
    License Agreement Window (KR)
  6. On Choose Install Location, select a install location and click Next button.
    Chooose Install Location Window (KR)
  7. On License File Import, click Install button with or without selecting a license file. If selected, it is copied to "C:\ProgramData\HKSAT" during the installation.
    License File Import Window (KR)
  8. A progress window is displayed.
  9. When done, click Finish button to finith the installation.
    Installation Complete Window (KR)

Launching HKSAT

To start HKSAT

  1. Double-click HKSAT Launcher icon on the desktop, then the launcher is shown.
    HKSAT Launcher
  2. Select Heap Memory and Language in the bottom toolbar.
  3. Click Launch button to see Welcome Window.
    Welcome Window
  4. On Welcome Window, select a recent project on the left, or select a menu item on the right.
  5. The main window is shown and then the selected is performed.
    HKSAT Main Window

Configuring HKSAT

To configure HKSAT

  1. Select Preferences from File menu, or select Preference icon from the toolbar.
    HKSAT Preferences Window

General Preferences

Includes basic program preferences.









GUI Settings

Includes settings for GUI components.

Window settings

Includes settings for the main window.

MainFrame settings

Code View Settings

Includes settings for Code View.

Code View Settings

Graph View Settings

Includes settings for Graph View.

Graph View Settings
Graph visualization
Graph Color

Sets common colors for all graphs.

Project Graph

Sets node colors for project graphs

Call Graph

Sets node colors for call graphs

Control Flow Graph

Sets node colors for control flow graphs

Result View Settings

Includes settings for Result View.

Result View Settings

Log View Settings

Includes settings for Log View.

Log View Settings

Analysis Settings

To configure analyses

  1. On Analysis Settings Window, click Settings button for an analysis.
  2. The Settings window is displayed.
  3. In the specific Analysis Preference, change the configuration.
  4. Click Close button to save the changes.

Managing Compilers

To manage compilers, select manage compilers from File menu.

From HKSAT-supported compilers, you can select and configure compilers to use in your project.

Compiler Management Window

To Enable a Compiler

To enable an installed compiler

  1. In Manage Compilers Window, click Add button.
  2. When the Compiler Selection Window is displayed, select a compiler to enable.
    Compiler Selection Window
  3. Compiler Setup differs between compilers. The following is an example and is for the GCC compiler.
    GCC Compiler Setup Window
  4. Click Select Directory button to specify the installation path for the compiler.
  5. Click Validate Compiler Settins button to validate that required files are installed in the specified path.
  6. Click Close button to finish.