Software Change Impact Analysis(SCIA)
SCIA Overview
SCIA Execution
SCIA Settings
SCIA Result View
SCIA Configuration
Software change impact analysis analyzes changes made based on files, functions, and global variables for changes
made in the source code, and the overall impact of those changes on other functions.
Reachability analysis
The basic software change impact analysis analyzes all the impact on other parts without taking into account the
sequential progression characteristics of the software.
However, if you enable the reachability analysis option to perform a change impact analysis, the analysis is
taken into account the sequential progression characteristics of the software. (Determines the interval in which
the changed target affects the actual performance)
Therefore, if you disable the Reachability Analysis option and enable the Reachability Analysis option for the
affected function or global variable, it may be determined that it will not have an impact.
Also, if you enable the Reachability Analysis option, the influence relationship within a function does not
affect outside of that function. (Exceptions if the function calls another function that has an influence
The project must be open. If the project is not open, the Analysis menu is disabled.
SCIA requires two modules.
To create an analysis
Create an analysis accordint to Creating Analysis
In the Analysis Type window, select SCIA. Then, the Settings window will appear.
To setup the analysis
Set-up the analysis accoring to SCIA Settings , and click Apply button
To execute the analysis
To see the result
Generating Analysis Report
SCIA Settings Screen
Analysis Basics
Basic Information
Analysis Name: Enter a name for the analysis.
Detail Setting
Select versions
Old version: Modules based on analysis as targets for change impact analysis
New version: Module changed from an existing version to the target of change impact analysis
Add module: Add a new module.
Root Dir: Set the root path.
Analysis Selection
Select analysis
Basic change impact analysis: Analysis of changes in lines and files
Function change impact analysis: Analysis of changes in functions and APIs, including impact analysis for
Variable Change Impact Analysis: Analyze changes and impact of global variables
Currently, all analyses are selected and cannot be changed by policy.
Analysis Option
Analysis Option
Use Reachability Analyzer: Choose whether to consider reachability options.
Use Macro Analyzer: Select whether to use the Macro Analyzer.
Specify the current version separately from the existing version of the module you want to compare.
This screen shows the history of changes to files, functions, APIs, and variables, along with a summary of the
File Change Info.
File Change Info.
Shows file change information
Name: Target File Name
Change type: See below
Old location: Parent directory of the previous version of the file
New location: Parent directory of the current version file
File Change Type/p>
Unchanged : Unchanged Files
Changed : Changed Files
Added : Added Files
Removed : Deleted Files
The tooltip shows the old location and the full path to the new location.
Double-click the old and new locations to open the version in Code view.
If you select Include unchanging files in settings, items that have not been changed are also included
in the list.
Function Change Info.
Function Change Info.
Shows function change information
Name: Target function Name
Change type: See below
Old location: old location of the function
New location: new location of the function
Function Change Type
Unchanged : Number of functions that have not changed
Changed : Number of functions changed.
Affected : Number of functions that are indirectly affected.
Removed : Number of functions removed
Added : Number of functions added
API Change Info.
API Change Info.
Shows the history of API changes.
Name: Target API function name
Change type: See below
Old location: The location of the old version of the API function
New location: The location of the new version of the API function
API Change Type
Unchanged : Use unchanged APIs. API managed by add and delete instead of change
Remieved : Using removed APIs
New : Using the New API
Variable Change Info.
Variable Change Info.
Variable Change Type
Added : Number of global variables added. Declaration of variables (if no initialization), all for
initialization declarations of variables
Removed : Number of global variables removed
Affected : Number of global variables affected (changed).
Unchanged : Number of global variables unchanged. Global variables are separated by add and delete
instead of change
When the change type of a variable is "Affected", a double-click will add the affected locations as
A double-click on a affected location will bring a change-effect path as a pop-up window.
A path shows the location, code, and change types of code lines affecting bottom-up.
A path explains how an added or removed line affects a specific variable.
Change and Effect of Each Version
Change and effect of previous version
When the debugging mode in the configuration is set on, all changes of each version is included in the
Each line contains the location, the code, and the change type of a change.
Double-click on a "Affected" change will show a change effect path.
The path show the same information as the path pop-up in Variable Change Info.
Note that sorting the table may break the order of a path.
SCIA Configuration
Basic Settings
Include reachability analysis : Default values for considering reachability analysis of analysis
Include unchanged : Include unchanged items in the result view
Individual chart : Include charts on each tab in the result view
Verbose log : add more detailed information to the log.
Debugging mode : Include change and effect tables in the Result view
Code View Highlight Colors
Added lines is the color for added lines in code blocks in the code view.
Deleted lines is the color for deleted lines in code blocks in the code view.
Affected lines is the color for affected lines in code blocks in the code view.