Software Change Impact Analysis(SCIA)

  1. SCIA Overview
  2. SCIA Execution
  3. SCIA Settings
  4. SCIA Result View
  5. SCIA Configuration

SCIA Overview

Software change impact analysis analyzes changes made based on files, functions, and global variables for changes made in the source code, and the overall impact of those changes on other functions.

Reachability analysis

The basic software change impact analysis analyzes all the impact on other parts without taking into account the sequential progression characteristics of the software.

However, if you enable the reachability analysis option to perform a change impact analysis, the analysis is taken into account the sequential progression characteristics of the software. (Determines the interval in which the changed target affects the actual performance)

Therefore, if you disable the Reachability Analysis option and enable the Reachability Analysis option for the affected function or global variable, it may be determined that it will not have an impact.

Also, if you enable the Reachability Analysis option, the influence relationship within a function does not affect outside of that function. (Exceptions if the function calls another function that has an influence relationship.)

SCIA Execution

To create an analysis

  1. Create an analysis accordint to Creating Analysis
  2. In the Analysis Type window, select SCIA. Then, the Settings window will appear.

To setup the analysis

  1. Set-up the analysis accoring to SCIA Settings, and click Apply button

To execute the analysis

To see the result

Generating Analysis Report

SCIA Settings

SCIA Settings Screen

Analysis Basics

Basic Information

Detail Setting

Select versions

Analysis Selection

Select analysis

Analysis Option

Analysis Option

SCIA Result View

This screen shows the history of changes to files, functions, APIs, and variables, along with a summary of the results.

File Change Info.

File Change Info.

Shows file change information

File Change Type/p>

Function Change Info.

Function Change Info.

Shows function change information

Function Change Type

API Change Info.

API Change Info.

Shows the history of API changes.

API Change Type

Variable Change Info.

Variable Change Info.

Variable Change Type

Change and Effect of Each Version

Change and effect of previous version

SCIA Configuration

SCIA Configuration

Basic Settings

Code View Highlight Colors