Scheduleability analysis predicts whether execution can be completed up to the baseline set by each process based
on priority, execution cycle, baseline, and longest execution time. You can use schedulability analysis to
predict the maximum response time required for scheduling, the slack in the process, and so on.
Process: The unique name of the process. If the process names are the same, the existing information is
Priority: Priority between processes. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
WCET: The longest time to follow the process. The longest time it takes from start to finish.
Deadline: The maximum time required from the start of a process to the end.
Perios: The cycle at which the process must be repeated
You can change the value directly in the table. In this case, the invalid value is displayed in red.
If invalid process information exists, the modifications cannot be reflected in the analysis.
Manage process lists
Apply WCETA results: Gets process information from the longest time-of-action analysis already performed
within the same project for the longest time of operation (ns).
Add processes: Add new processes to the list. However, if you have the same name, ask if you want to update
the content.
Edit process: Changes the information in the selected process.
Delete Process: Deletes the selected process.
If you select Add or Change Process, the edit process screen below shows.
Edit Process screen
If you make changes to the process, the OK button is activated only if the changes are made.
WCET, deadline, and period must meet the following formula:: WCET <= Deadline < Period
If the constraints are not satisfied, you will not be able to apply them.
System slack: The range of free time for the entire process (%)
Analysis detailed results
Process: Process Name
Priority: Cross-process priority (lower numbers have higher priority)
Capacity: Longest execution time (the longest time it takes from the start of a process to the end of
Deadline: The maximum time required for a process to start and end execution
Period: The period during which the process runs periodically
WCRT: Maximum response time
Slack Time: Process Slack
Slacks are the percentage by which we can increase the execution times of some operations while keeping
the system schedulable (for positive slacks) or the percentage by which we have to decrease the
execution times to make the system schedulable (for negative slacks).
If the Slack Time of each process is positive, it represents the maximum
amount by which the longest execution time of that process can increase
while still allowing the entire system to be scheduled. If it's negative,
it indicates the minimum amount the longest execution time of that process
needs to be reduced for the entire system to become schedulable.
The lowst value of a process' Slack Time is "-Capacity", which means the system cannot satisfy
schedulability regardless of the process' worst-case execution time.