Schedulability Analysis(SCHA)

  1. SCHA Overview
  2. SCHA Execution
  3. SCHA Settings
  4. SCHA Result View
  5. SCHA Configuration

SCHA Overview

Scheduleability analysis predicts whether execution can be completed up to the baseline set by each process based on priority, execution cycle, baseline, and longest execution time. You can use schedulability analysis to predict the maximum response time required for scheduling, the slack in the process, and so on.

SCHA Execution

To create an analysis

  1. Create an analysis accordint to Creating Analysis
  2. In the Analysis Type window, select SCHA. Then, the Settings window will appear.

To setup the analysis

  1. Set-up the analysis accoring to SCHA Settings, and click Apply button

To execute the analysis

To see the result

Generating Analysis Report

SCHA Settings

SCHA Settings Screen

Analysis Basics

Basic Information

Processor Info.

Processor Information

Schedule Process List

Process List

Manage process lists

Manage process lists

Edit Process screen

Edit Process Info.

SCHA Result View

SCHA results screen

Summary of analysis results

Analysis detailed results

SCHA Configuration

SCHA Configuration

Default Values