Analysis Management

  1. Creating an Analysis
  2. Using Mobilgene/ODIN Information
  3. Executing an Analysis
  4. Changing an Analysis
  5. Deleting an Analysis
  6. Viewing an Analysis Result
  7. Deleting an Analysis Result

Creating an Analysis

To add a new analysis to an open project

  1. On the Analysis menu, select Add Analysis.
    Analysis Type Selection Screen
  2. Select the analysis type you want to add and click the OK button.
  3. The Analysis Settings window corresponding to the selected analysis shape is displayed.
  4. In the Analysis Settings window, set analysis options.
  5. After all input is complete, click the Apply button to add an analysis.

Another way to start adding analytics>

Using Mobilgene/ODIN Information

  1. Start creating an analysiswith the help of Creating Analysis
  2. Select the shape of the analysis.
  3. In the User Confirmation window, select Yes.
  4. The Create New Analysis window opens. Information imported from odin projects is automatically entered in the Create Analysis window.
  5. Click the Apply button to add the analysis.

The odin project features support the following analysis:

Analysis Supported
Software Static Analysis Tool(SSAT) : Race Condition Analysis Tasks and critical sections
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis(WCETA) MCU system clock speed and root functions
Schedulability Analysis(SCHA) Task priority and period
Static Stack Usage Analysis(SSUA) Root functions

Executing Analysis

  1. Select the analysis you want to run in the Analysis view, and then select Re-execute from the context menu.
    Analysis selection
  2. If the Run Analysis window is shown, check the execution options.
    Analysis execution screen
  3. Choose whether to use the cache.
  4. Click the Execute button.
  5. When the analysis is complete, the results of the analysis are displayed in the results view.
    Analysis Results Screen

Other ways to run the analysis

Changing an Analysis

  1. Select the Manage Analytics item from the Analysis menu or click the Manage Analysis button in the toolbar to activate the Analysis view.
  2. After selecting the analysis you want to change, click the Change button to open the Edit Analysis window.
  3. Change the contents of the Edit Analysis window as needed.
  4. Click the Apply button to apply the changes.

Other ways to change the analysis

Deleting an Analysis

  1. Select the Manage Analytics item from the Analysis menu or click the Manage Analysis button in the toolbar to activate the Analysis view.
  2. Select the analysis you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.
  3. In the confirm deletion window, click the Yes button.

Other ways to delete analytics

Viewing an Analysis Result

To display the Analysis Results window

  1. Select the result view from the window menu or click the Results button in the toolbar to make the result window visible.
  2. The results pane shows the results of the current analysis. If you see other analysis results in the Results pane, double-click the analysis in the project view or project graph to specify it as the current analysis.

Deleting an Analysis Result

To delete an analysis from a project

  1. In the Analysis results node of the project view, right-click to display the context menu and select delete analysis results.
  2. In the confirm deletion window, click the Yes button.

Other ways to delete the results of the analysis