Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis(WCETA)

  1. WCETA Overview
  2. WCETA Execution
  3. WCETA Settings
  4. WCETA Result View
  5. WCETA Configuration

WCETA Overview

Worst-Case Execution Time(WCET)

The duration of a particular program is the time it takes from the start of the program to the end of execution. The duration of the program depends on which path is performed on different possible paths. Program performance time will also affect the hardware performance on which the program performs. Worst-Case Execute Time (WCET) means the longest of these hours required to perform on a particular hardware without being interrupted by other programs (processors, tasks, etc.).

Worst-Case Execution Time

The WCET of a program is 10ms, which means that the program has no more than 10ms of time.

Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis(WCETA)

The goal is to predict (measure or calculate) the longest and most accurate time to be followed. The longest-time analysis techniques include dynamic and static techniques.

Dynamic analysis

Dynamic techniques are a method of measuring by performing a program directly. Perform the program's performable path and measure its time to select the largest of the measured times as the longest action time. This technique is time-consuming and expensive because the program actually needs to run multiple times. In addition, it is difficult to apply if the number of executable paths increases. The paths a particular program can perform have a number of different cases, and in the worst case, the number of paths that can be performed occurs in a limit.

Therefore, typically, you will extract the typical run paths and add additional correction values to the longest path of them to choose the longest execution time

However, the safety of the results is not guaranteed in that there may be routes that have not been executed that take longer than the longest measured time.

Static Analysis

Static techniques are a method of analyzing program structures to predict the longest time to follow. HKSAT calculates the longest performance time based on the IPET technique among static techniques.

Static analysis requires the analysis of the characteristics of the target hardware along with the program control structure. This is because the duration depends on the nature of the hardware that is performed even with the same program.

Static techniques use abstraction techniques to ensure safety during the calculation process, so the longest processing time calculated by them will have a value greater than the actual longest performance time. Therefore, the actual performance time is guaranteed to be no greater than the longest calculated carry-out time.

For static techniques, the more information you extract from the program structure, the less difference between the calculated value and the actual value. HKSAT automatically extracts program flow information to perform calculations, and if necessary, users can add information to improve the accuracy of the results.

WCETA Execution

To create an analysis

  1. Create an analysis accordint to Creating Analysis
  2. In the Analysis Type window, select WCETA. Then, the Settings window will appear.

To setup the analysis

To execute the analysis

To see the result

Generating Analysis Report

WCETA Settings

WCETA Setting

Analysis Basics

Basic information

Root Function

Root function

Function Execution Time Assumption

Assume function time

Assume the maximum number of iteration of loops

Loop Bound Assumption

Target Settings

Target Settings

To setup the target


It displays the duplicate code evaluation criteria of the Hyundai/Kia ES specification.

WCETA Pass/Fail Determination Criteria

WCETA Result View

WCETA Result Screen

Summary Result

Displays a summary of the number of root items analyzed and the number of assessments.

Detailed results

Check WCETA Bottleneck Nodes

WCETA Graph View Results Screen

After performing the analysis, you can check the analysis results in the graph view, and you can easily check the nodes that take a lot of time through color.

WCETA module node
WCETA module node

WCETA Configuration

WCETA Configuration

Default Values

Code View Highlight Colors