Graphic User Interface

  1. HKSAT Menus
  2. HKSAT Views


File Menu

Project Menu

Module Menu

Report Menu

Analysis Menu

Window Menu

Layout Menu

Help Menu


Project View

Shows the structure of the current project as a tree. You can use filters to view only the desired items, and you can also expand or collapse the entire tree.

Project View

Global settings

Shows the information of a project such as author, created date, modified date, and target language.


Shows the information of each module in a project.


Shows the information of each analysis in the project.

Module View

Browses and manages the modules of a project.

Module View

Analysis View

Shows the analysis included in the current project.

Analysis View

Code View

Displays a source code with syntax highlights.

Code View

Graph view

Displays Project Graph, Call Graph, or Control Flow Graph

Graph view


Graph view Toolbar

You can click the button to do the following.

Result view

Displays the results of the analysis.

Results view

Search view

Use to search for items, such as type or name.

Search view

Properties View

Displays the attributes of the selected item.

Properties View

Call Hierarchy View

You can find functions that call them based on a specific function and their location.

Call Hierarchy View

How to Use

  1. When you drag and drop a function from Project View, the caller functions are displayed as child nodes.
  2. When you select a caller function, the call locations are displayed in the right panel.
  3. Double-clicking the call location displays the associated source code in Code View.
  4. If callers exists, the node can be expanded the node by double-clicking it; ohterwise, it is displayed as a terminal node.

Log view

Displays progress as a log.

User Log View
System Log View