Add Module button: You can add a new module to use.
Analysis names are limited to a maximum of 32 characters, and only a combination of English letters and
numbers is available. Spaces, Unicode, and special characters are not available.
SSUA targets one module. If you want to analyze multiple modules, you need to perform as many analyses
as you want.
Root Function Selection
Left List: Shows the functions available for selection in the module.
Right list: Shows the function selected as the root function in the module.
Function: The name of the function
Caller (IN): The number of functions that call that function.
Calees (OUT): The number of functions that the function calls.
The analysis includes all reachable functions in the selected function.
At least one function must be selected.
Other Option
External Element StackUsable Assumptions: Assumes the stack usage of the external element.
External functions cannot be used to calculate stack usage because the source code cannot be obtained,
so it is analyzed with pre-specified values.
Displays the root function with the highest stack usage among root functions and the total stack usage for that
Detailed results
Displays stack usage information for individual roots.
Function: The root function selected during analysis.
External: Displays whether the external part is available.
Individual: The individual stack usage of the selected root function.
Total: The total stack usage, which adds up to both the individual stack usage of the selected root function
and the stack usage of other functions called by that function.
Stack usage is calculated based on function call relationships, and a list of functions called by a
particular function can be seen by unfolding the tree node.