Static Stack Usage Analysis(SSUA)

  1. SSUA Overview
  2. SSUA Execution
  3. SSUA Settings
  4. SSUA Result View
  5. SSUA Configuration

SSUA Overview

Static stack usage analysis calculates the maximum stack usage for each function in the module.

SSUA Execution

To create an analysis

  1. Create an analysis accordint to Creating Analysis
  2. In the Analysis Type window, select SSUA. Then, the Settings window will appear.

To setup the analysis

  1. Set-up the analysis accoring to SSUA Settings, and click Apply button

To execute the analysis

To see the result

Generating Analysis Report

SSUA Settings

SSUA Settings Screen

Analysis Basics

Basic Information

Root Function Selection

Select root option

Other Option

Other Option

SSUA Result View

SSUA Result View

Summary Results

Displays the root function with the highest stack usage among root functions and the total stack usage for that function.

Detailed results

Displays stack usage information for individual roots.

SSUA Configuration

SSUA Preferences Screen

Default Values

Code View Highlight Colors